This series is intended for an audience that feels comfortable with the basics of Ruby and Rails and wants to learn how to add practical DDD and OOD principles to their toolkit to improve the quality of their code.
A core concept behind good OOD and DDD is SRP: giving objects a single responsibility. By following basic Rails religiously and not deflecting from the standard classes that Rails provides (models, controllers, views, etc..) one tends to end up with fat classes: classes that are responsible for numerous tasks which thus violate SRP. Concretely this often leads to fat ActiveRecord classes and fat ActionControllers.
Programmers wanting to DRY up their code start introducing Decorators (e.g. Draper), Presenters, numerous Helpers, Concerns,… These do tend to give the basic Rails classes less responsibilities. This article however does not explore these more “standard” Rails ways but will focus more on less framework specific techniques.
Standard DDD and OOD are at least just as effective in splitting the code in more reusable, maintainable and DRYer chunks. These less framework specific techniques enable a programmer to use the acquired toolkit across frameworks. It also allows new project collaborators (under the assumption they master DDD and OOD) to immediately start writing quality code in Rails without necessarily knowing all the Rails specific ways of doing so.
A more comprehensive comparison of more standard ways vs the techniques further presented is not the goal of this article. The focus stays on showing practical ways of applying DDD and OOD principles.
Models are often built around a relational table. One object, an ActiveRecord:Base is often responsible for
If a project is small, this set of responsibilities can still be manageable in one file and be displayed on one page. If the project gets bigger, one approach is to divide the code into concerns or modules (e.g. gem modularity). Code can even be extracted into shared concerns or modules making the code DRYer. But this does not take away the fact that the model still responds to all those methods and responsibilities, it just divides the code into different files. This still violates SRP.
Luckily with common OOD and DDD techniques we can restrict the responsibilities of the Model. Reducing the responsibilities of Rails classes is not always easy but it is desirable. You get very DRY code. Testing becomes a lot easier, less error prone and faster. Looser coupling also means you can often extract code from the project to include in other projects.
We will start with the easiest technique, the low hanging fruit of refactoring: Value Objects.
Rails is built around models. If these models correspond to relational tables this often means they model Entities.
You can change (non-primary key) attributes of an Entitity without changing its identity
Example: a person (you can change the name of a person without changing the persons' identity)
The meaning of Value Objects does change when their attributes are changed. Examples of Value Objects: money, decisions, printed_states, ratings.
Value objects are interchangeable, they are not mutable (if an attribute of a model changes you can just create a new value object when you get the value), they do not track relations (e.g. which model initialized them).
Since I think you learn best by example I included a list of examples here. I will discuss one example here through commentary in the code but you are free to check the other examples and specs.
Imagine you have an application that receives api_calls and stores every api_call in a database with the field “code” that represents the HTTP response status code.
# http_status_code.rb
module ValueObjects
class HttpStatusCode
SUCCESS_RANGE = [200, 299]
ALL_RANGE = [200, 599]
attr_reader :code
def initialize(code)
if Integer(code).between?(*ALL_RANGE)
@code = code
raise"Unknown HTTP Status Code")
def success?
def redirection?
def client_error?
def server_error?
def ==(http_status_code)
self.code == http_status_code.code
def to_s
def inspect
def between?(range)
# api_call.rb
# This code serves strictly as example code on how to integrate value_objects
# in typical Rails code and the pros and cons
# It has not been tested or used as is in a real world application
class ApiCall < ActiveRecord::Base
belongs_to :person
has_many :input_errors
# With ValueObjects
def http_response_code
@code ||=
# Advantages
# Can serve as a good building block for a other Objects (e.g. a generic StatusPresenter[1]
# which translates success? to a green/red light in a View)
# Disadvantages:
# You need an extra method to couple the value_object, an extra class, spec, file and probably folder.
def success?
http_response_code.success? || input_errors.empty?
# Without ValueObjects
def success?
http_response_success? || input_errors.empty?
# Disadvantages:
# Stubbing http_response_success? in a unit test is with a boolean is very method and implementation specific,
# stubbing http_response_code with a seems to be a better option
def http_response_success?
# Disadvantages:
# This includes HTTP protocol constants which do not belong in your api_call Model
# Knowledge is required about non-api_call constants by every developer who will change/expand/refactor api_call methods
# The code is closely coupled to those constants. If the constants change this code will have to change
# This code is not reusable across models (workaround could be to include it in a Module)
# Your model needs an extra method per http code (Fat Model):
# Increased risk of method name conflicts
# Increased risk of developpers using other formats/names for similar methods (e.g. http_client_error? instead of http_response_client_error?)
# Increased risk of developpers not knowing the existence of a method (hidden in a module or because the model code is too long to read)
# Extra test per method
# Extra time lost in reading/finding/comprehending a method
# The method is very closely coupled to your database (if the field "code" is renamed or changed to a string you would need to change this method)
# [1]
The above code can handle responsibility “9/Giving meaning to attributes on the relational table” which we discussed earlier. That’s already one less responsibility for our model. As you can see the code is quite generic. You can easily use this code across models or even projects.
Testing becomes very easy and fast:
require 'spec_helper'
module ValueObjects
describe HttpStatusCode do
describe "#success?" do
context "200" do
it "returns true" do
expect(code_200.success?).to eq true
describe "#server_error?" do
context "200" do
it "returns false" do
expect(code_200.server_error?).to eq false
Value objects can also be good building blocks to tackle other aforementioned responsibilities of the model.
You can namespace your value_objects (e.g via a module) and put them in a separate folder. This will make your code very clear for new project collaborators that might have heard of value objects. You can even choose to distinguish reusable value_objects from domain specific objects. Not namespacing will make your code shorter but might introduce confusion or errors (other developers adding mutability to value_objects) and might make reusing the value objects more difficult.
Initializing a value object with multiple attributes is also a possibility. The only precaution to take is to not give the value object too much responsibilities and to keep in mind that a value object is not an entity. It does not have an identity or relations, only properties.
If you use rspec “require ‘spec_helper’” is often sufficient to test, no need to include ‘rails_helper’.
Since it’s good practice to keep your value_objects immutable do not implement any setters.
It is good practice to define the == method. Value objects are equal if their attributes are equal.
A lot of value objects can benefit from including the Comparable module.
Implementing the inspect method is a good practice. It permits you to have better output in the console and it allows you to easily set attributes on a record (e.g. course.academic_year =“2012/2013”))
composed_of is an interesting Rails method that can be used to couple your value_objects to your ActiveRecord